Theta Fleet Charter
Ratified as the Constitution of Theta Fleet by the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders, 21 April, 2012.
Amended as the Theta Fleet Charter on 12 May, 2021 by the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders.
WHEREAS Theta Fleet is founded on the principles of respect, fairness, diversity, and community under the broader umbrella of collective storytelling. Theta Fleet welcomes writers as both players and managers of their own games from all walks of life, and encourages all members to tap into their creativity as Theta Fleet endeavors to foster a safe cooperative environment for the development of stories written in the Star Trek and other universes.
1(1). In this Charter,
(a) Good standing, in respect to a member means a member of Theta Fleet who has not been the subject of disciplinary proceedings or administrative actions in Theta Fleet (Unless cleared by JAG).
(b) Member, in respect to a person means a person who is a player on a Theta Fleet sim or a member of the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders.
Primacy of the Charter
1. The Theta Fleet Charter is the highest law in Theta Fleet and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Charter is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force and effect.
Amendments to the Charter
2(1). Any provision(s) within this Charter may be amended by vote and approval of no fewer than
TWO THIRDS of the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders whose members are described in section 6(3) of this Charter, with the exception(s) of those members listed in section 2(a).
a) The member appointed as Theta Fleet Judge Advocate General shall abstain from any votes related to the amendment of the Charter.
b) If the member has other roles in the Council of Commanders in addition to the role of Judge Advocate General, the member shall abstain from placing a vote in relation to those roles as well.
2(2). If any other section in this Charter should provide for approval by an amount other than that prescribed in section 2(1), that number shall apply ONLY to the provisions in which that section relates.
3. Each member of the Theta Fleet who is entitled to vote within the provisions of this Charter shall only have ONE (1) vote in relation to proceedings under any section herein. If a member has assumed more than one (1) position which entitles them a vote within this Charter, they shall NOT place additional votes unless that member is the Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet in the instance a vote is tied.
Fleet Directives
4(1). The Fleet Directives shall be the governing principles of the Fleet. They are the policies by which more specific regulations, procedures, and instructions are defined.
a) Fleet Directives may be proposed by any members in good standing with Theta Fleet or members of the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders.
b) Proposed Fleet Directives and amendments to Fleet Directives shall be voted upon by the Council of Commanders. A proposal, amendment or repeal of a Fleet Directive shall be considered passed by a simple majority of members in the Council of Commanders, except those members as listed in subsection (2).
4(2). The member appointed as Theta Fleet Judge Advocate General shall abstain from any votes related to Fleet Directives. If the member has other roles in the Council of Commanders in addition to the role of Judge Advocate General, the member shall abstain from placing a vote in relation to those roles as well.
Executive Powers
5(1). The executive governance and authority of and over Theta Fleet is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Theta Fleet Admiralty, whose membership is described in section 5(2) of this Charter. The Executive powers shall not extend beyond those defined within this section and shall not interfere with those defined in sections 6 and 7.
Membership of Theta Fleet Admiralty
5(2). Membership of the Theta Fleet Admiralty shall consist of:
a) Commander, Theta Fleet;
b) Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet;
c) Chief of Fleet Operations;
d) Commander, Task Force 23; and
e) Area Commander, Area 51;
Additional Membership
5(3). Additional membership may be recommended by any member of the Theta Fleet Admiralty and shall be appointed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty. Section 5(2) shall be amended following the vote in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2). This section does not apply to the appointment of members to the membership of the Theta Fleet Admiralty.
Reduction of Membership
5(4). A reduction of the membership may be recommended by any member of the Theta Fleet Admiralty and shall be reduced by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty. Section 5(2) shall be amended following the vote in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2). This section does not apply to the removal of members from the membership of the Theta Fleet Admiralty.
Appointments of Members to Theta Fleet Admiralty
5(5). Any applications for appointment to the Theta Fleet Admiralty shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, an appointment shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2).
Removal of Members from the Theta Fleet Admiralty
5(6). Any motions for removal of a member from the Theta Fleet Admiralty shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, a motion to remove shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2).
Restriction on Positions within the Theta Fleet Admiralty
5(7). A member of Theta Fleet may only hold one(1) position within the Theta Fleet Admiralty at any time. Other members within the Theta Fleet Admiralty may assume an acting role in another position within the Theta Fleet Admiralty until such a time as a member who is not currently in the membership of the Theta Fleet Admiralty is appointed to the membership. When acting in a position, a member of the Theta Fleet Admiralty does NOT receive additional votes in any proceedings under the provisions of this Charter.
Duties of the Theta Fleet Admiralty
5(7). Commander, Theta Fleet, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Recommend the expulsion of members of Theta Fleet for any duration up to and including a permanent ban from the fleet. This recommendation goes directly to the office of the Judge Advocate General.
b) Determine the ranks of and promote members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty and the Judge Advocate General;
c) Create or dismantle departments within Theta Fleet;
d) Accept simulations into Theta Fleet;
e) Promote players to the position of Commanding Officer on any Theta Fleet Simulation.
f) Modify and maintain the Theta Fleet website; and
g) Create and award the monthly, quarterly, and annual fleet awards.
h) Create and/or edit the Theta Fleet Rules for players and Commanding officers not covered by this document.
i) Be a point of reference for the council of commanders in an advisory capacity.
j) Remove simulations from the Fleet for cause, confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty.
5(8). Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Initiate a motion to veto an official action of the Commander, Theta Fleet;
b) Assume the duties of the Commander, Theta Fleet during periods of a leave of absence of that member or if the Commander, Theta Fleet resigns or is removed from the position, until such a time as a replacement is named; and
c) Assume the duties of the Chief of Fleet Operations during periods of a leave of absence of that member or if the Chief of Fleet Operations, Theta Fleet resigns or is removed from the position, until such a time a replacement is named.
(1) In addition to the authorities granted in sections a through c, the Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet shall:
a) Assist the Commander, Theta Fleet in his or her duties when required;
b) Oversee the operations of the Theta Fleet Departments;
c) Be a point of reference for the Task Force Commanders in an advisory capacity.
d) Assist the Commander, Theta Fleet with awarding the monthly, quarterly, and annual fleet awards when possible.
e) Assume role of Commander, Task Force 23 or Commander Area 51 during periods of a leave of absence of that member or if either the Commander Task Force 23 or Commander, Area 51 resigns or is removed from the position, until such a time a replacement is named.
5(9). Chief of Fleet Operations, Theta Fleet, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Assist the Commander, Task Force 23 and Commander, Area 51 in their duties.
b) Assist the Deputy Commander, as needed.
5(10). Commander, Task Force 23, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Assume the duties of any Task Group Commanding Officer in Task Force 23 during periods of a leave of absence of that member or if a Task Group Commander within Task Force 23 resigns or is removed from the position, until such a time as a replacement is named.
b) Oversee the Task Group Commanding Officers and assist with compliance with their duties listed in this document.
c) Assist the Commander, Theta Fleet with awarding the monthly, quarterly, and annual fleet awards when possible.
d) Be a point of reference for the Task Group Commanding Officers and Commanding Officers in an advisory and/or mentoring capacity.
e) Advocate for the completion of monthly reports by the Commanding Officers. The Commander, Task Force 23 shall remind his/her respective Commanding Officers that completion of these reports is not mandatory, but is a requirement for consideration for any fleet awards.
5(11). Commander, Area 51, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Assume the duties of any Task Group Commanding Officer in Area 51 during periods of a leave of absence of that member or if a Task Group Commander within Area 51 resigns or is removed from the position, until such a time as a replacement is named.
b) Oversee the Task Group Commanding Officers and assist with compliance with their duties listed in this document.
c) Assist the Commander, Theta Fleet with awarding the monthly, quarterly, and annual fleet awards when possible.
d) Be a point of reference for the Task Group Commanding Officers and Commanding Officers/Game Masters in an advisory and/or mentoring capacity.
e) Advocate for the completion of monthly reports by the Commanding Officers. The Commander, Task Force 23 shall remind his/her respective Commanding Officers that completion of these reports is not mandatory, but is a requirement for consideration for any fleet awards.
Veto of Commander, Theta Fleet
5(12). Any official action by the Commander, Theta Fleet may be vetoed by the Deputy Commander(s), Theta Fleet with the support of either the Commander, Task Force 23 or the Commander, Area 51.
Legislative Powers
6(1). The legislative governance of and over Theta Fleet is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders, whose membership is described in section 6(2) of this Charter. The Legislative powers shall not extend beyond those defined within this section.
Membership of Theta Fleet Council of Commanders
6(2). Membership of the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders shall consist of:
a) Members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty as defined in section 5(2);
b) Task Group Commander(s), Task Force 23;
c) Task Group Commander(s), Area 51;
d) Department directors as defined in section 6(8), and any deputies as approved by the admiralty;
e) Academy Vice Commandant
f) Branch Chiefs as defined in section 7(2); and
g) Any and all members in the position of Commanding Officer on a Theta Fleet simulation.
Duties of the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders
6(3). The Theta Fleet Council of Commanders, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Ratify Fleet Directives in accordance with the provisions in section 4;
b) Make amendments to this Charter in accordance with the provisions in section 2(1).
Duties of the Task Group Commanding Officers
6(4). The Task Group Commanding Officers, Task Force 23, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Identify one (1) simulation each month to receive a Task Group Commanding Officer Award of Merit. Nominations for this award are done at the sole discretion of the respective Task Group Commanding Officer. Nominations for this award can only be made for simulations within their respective Task Groups. Id no nomination is made, Commander, Theta Fleet reserves the right to select the award recipient
b) Assist with compliance by the simulations in their respective Task Groups to all provisions within this charter, fleet directives and any other rules or documents identified by the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders and/or Theta Fleet Admiralty;
c) Act as a resource for inquiries and concerns from Commanding Officers within their respective Task Groups;
d) Recommend promotions of Commanding Officers within their respective Task Groups to the Commander, Theta Fleet.
e) Be a point of reference for the Task Group Commanding Officers and Commanding Officers/Game Masters in an advisory and/or mentoring capacity.
f) Advocate for the completion of monthly reports by the Commanding Officers. The Task Group Commanders, Task Force 23 shall remind his/her respective Commanding Officers that completion of these reports are not mandatory, but are a requirement for consideration for any fleet awards;
6(5). The Task Group Commanding Officers, Area 51, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Identify one (1) simulation each month to receive a Task Group Commanding Officer Award of Merit. Nominations for this award are done at the sole discretion of the respective Task Group Commanding Officer. Nominations for this award can only be made for simulations in the Task Group that Task Group Commanding Officer commands;
b) Assist with compliance by the simulations in their respective Task Groups to all provisions within this charter, fleet directives and any other rules or documents identified by the Theta Fleet Council of Commanders and/or Theta Fleet Admiralty;
c) Act as a resource for inquiries and concerns from Commanding Officers within their respective Task Groups;
d) Recommend promotions of Commanding Officers within their respective Task Groups to the Commander, Theta Fleet.
e) Be a point of reference for the Task Group Commanding Officers and Commanding Officers/Game Masters in an advisory and/or mentoring capacity.
f) Advocate for the completion of monthly reports by the Commanding Officers. The Task Group Commanders, Area 51 shall remind his/her respective Commanding Officers that completion of these reports are not mandatory, but are a requirement for consideration for any fleet awards;
6(6). Simulation Commanding Officers, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Develop missions (otherwise known as plots) in any manner the Commanding Officer sees fit so long as it is consistent with the provisions within this Charter and such other rules and directives as enacted;
b) Add or remove players from their respective simulations at their discretion so long as the addition or removal is consistent with the provisions within this Charter and such other rules and directives as enacted;
c) Promoting players within their simulation. Players shall not be promoted to a rank that exceeds the rank of the Commanding Officer or to a rank greater than Captain.
d) Develop rules and regulations for their simulations so long as they are consistent with the provisions within this Charter and such other rules and directives as enacted.
e) Report problem players or technical issues with websites directly to the Commander, Theta Fleet.
6(7). Departments are created at the discretion of the Commander, Theta Fleet and overseen by the Deputy Commander, Theta Fleet.
6(8). The departments within Theta Fleet are:
a) Theta Fleet Academy;
b) Theta Fleet Awards and Commendations;
c) Theta Fleet Information Management;
d) Theta Fleet Recruitment; and
e) Theta Fleet Technology.
6(9). Each department provided in section 6(8) will have a department director.
Appointments of Department Directors
6(10). Any applications for appointment as a Department Director shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, an appointment shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2).
Removal of Members from the Department Directors
6(11). Any motions for removal of a member from the Department Directors shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, a motion to remove shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2).
Duties of the Department Directors
6(12). The Director of Awards and Commendations, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Develop award images for use with any award within Theta Fleet;
b) Suggest awards to Theta Fleet Admiralty and take suggestions on awards from members of Theta Fleet;
c) Modify and maintain award images for use on simulations within Theta Fleet, not including awards given monthly, quarterly or annually by the Theta Fleet Admiralty.
6(13). The Academy Commandant, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Oversee and maintain the administration of all courses offered within the Theta Fleet Academy.
b) Suggest new Academy courses to Commander, Theta Fleet
6(14). The Director of Information Management, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Develop posting guidelines for content in the Theta Fleet Forums so long as they are consistent with the provisions within this Charter and such other rules and directives enacted;
b) Oversee and moderate content published on the Theta Fleet Forums;
c) Restrict access to any person(s) found publishing content in violation of the provisions of this Charter and such other rules and directives enacted.
6(15). The Director of Recruitment, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Develop rules and regulations for the content within an advertisement published for Theta Fleet simulations so long as they are consistent with the provisions within this Charter and such other rules and directives enacted;
b) Assist simulation Commanding Officers with the development and publishing of advertisements for Theta Fleet simulations;
c) Publish the monthly Theta Fleet Newsletter.
6(16). The Director of Fleet Technology, shall have the sole authority to:
a) Create, introduce, or approve of new technology including vessel specifications, vessel classes and any technology for use by a person/player or vessel;
b) Create and develop propulsion systems to be used on any vessel within Theta Fleet;
c) Maintain the Theta Fleet database containing specifications and information on the content listed in subsections (a) and (b);
d) Ensure that the Commander, Theta Fleet has a copy of all of the aforementioned technical specifications, in electronic format.
(1). Any member of Theta Fleet in good standing may propose new technology to the Director of Fleet Technology. If the Director of Fleet Technology chooses to deny the proposal, the member who made the proposal may appeal the decision to the Commander, Theta Fleet. The Commander, Theta Fleet will review the application and render a decision. The decision of the Commander, Theta Fleet is final.
7(1). Branches are created at the discretion of the Commander, Theta Fleet and overseen by the Chief of Fleet Operations, Theta Fleet.
7(2). The branches within Theta Fleet are:
a) Theta Fleet Marine Corps;
b) Theta Fleet Engineering;
c) Theta Fleet Logistics;
d) Theta Fleet Intelligence;
e) Theta Fleet Medical;
f) Theta Fleet Sciences; and
g) Theta Fleet Security.
7(3). Each branch provided in section 7(2) will have a branch chief.
Appointments of Branch Chiefs
7(4). Any recommendations for appointment as a Branch Chief shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, an appointment shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2). In the event of a tie, the Chief of Fleet Operations, Theta Fleet shall cast the deciding vote, even if he or she has already cast a vote. If for any reason the Chief of Fleet Operations is unable to act as tie-breaker, another Department head, appointed by a simple majority of the Admiralty, will fill that role pro tem.
Duties of the Branch Chiefs
7(5). Branch Chiefs are content contributors with the responsibilities of providing content to be placed in the forums related to their assigned branch that may be beneficial to the membership of Theta Fleet in playing or portraying a member of that branch. Any proposals for content changes shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, the proposal shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2).
Appointment of the Judge Advocate General
8. Any nominations for appointment of the Theta Fleet Judge Advocate General shall go to the Commander, Theta Fleet. Upon the recommendation of the Commander, Theta Fleet, an appointment shall be confirmed by a vote of no less than a simple majority of members of the Theta Fleet Admiralty in accordance with the provisions of section 2(2).
Duties of the Judge Advocate General
8(1). The Theta Fleet Judge Advocate General, shall have the sole authority and responsibility to:
a) Accept evidence, recommendations, and accusations of malfeasance within the fleet, and at the JAG's discretion in consultation with Commander, Theta Fleet, remove and/or permanently ban players from said Fleet.
b) Accept any petition to revoke a ban of any former player, and determine if said player warrants a probationary period, re-admittance, or continued ban, after consultation with Commander, Theta Fleet.
While the Judge Advocate General consults with Commander, Theta Fleet on these issues, the final decision lies solely with the Judge Advocate General.
Force of rules
8(2). Any rules not inconsistent with the express provisions of this Charter have force and effect as if herein enacted.